
“We are all human, and share many things, but many times we come together only in tragedy and not in celebration.”

That’s what I heard one speaker say as I passed a crowd gathered in support of Haiti.

Crowds are like a giant magnet for me. (I once read a quote saying that if curiosity killed the cat, then the cat died nobly).

This crowd was gathered around a group of inter-religion speakers, raising awareness about the earthquake in Haiti. Most people have heard about the devastation in Haiti — because of the media blitz and the appeals through Internet communities, such as Facebook.

At a large institution it’s difficult to catch the interests of many people. Relative to the population of NYU, the crowd outside was miniscule.
I started thinking about other things: Out of this large community, who cared enough to stay and listen? How many people actually followed up and took an initiative? If I learned anything from planning events, it’s that a crowd of interested people is great, but a handful of people who are there for a reason is better than anything.

Mainly, this tragedy got me thinking once again about all of the unnoticed and tragic things that go on everyday. Whose responsibility is it to ensure that other human beings are taken care of? Of course I would like to say that it’s mine. 

I’m just glad that “giving” is becoming a trend, and I really hope it’s more than that.

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