The news is drowning me

The news is drowning me

When I say “the news”, you must know what I mean? It’s everywhere, seeping into every conversation and every post I see online. I’m not here to complain, but to tell you that we might share the same feeling of emotional exhaustion after every event and gratitude when our loved ones make it home at the end of the day.

I’m so tired.

Not just from walking out of a store with my family when something just doesn’t feel right. Or from looking around corners and checking for fire exits. Even though I know it’s anxiety most of the time, I feel better temporarily. For a few years, I convinced myself that staying extra vigilant was a good solution.

I’m tired.

From reading articles from all types of media that leave me feeling sad and empty. What good is an article that likely had editors and tons of resources behind it, without a call to action. Why doesn’t each article tell me what to do with my anger? Or how to help victims directly? Or whose door to knock on to get answers?

two people holding hands to show affection

If you’re like me, you leap head first into the world. You feel the joy and pain of people you’ve never met. Devours article after article every day and at the end of it, you’re left with nothing to show for it except for a creeping fear and anxiety about the world.

I’ve noticed that Instagram is a good first step, if you can find the right accounts. It’s easier for them to shout out organizations or share contact information without having to worry about seeming “neutral”. Although I’m a big supporter of journalism and factual reporting, I think we’re past neutral in 2019.

Some days I stop myself from crying thinking about the world my two year old steps out into every day. Sometimes I can’t.

What I’ve found recently is that taking concrete steps helps calm me down. I look for the helpers. I want to support organizations and people who are already looking out for us. That helps me breathe freely and finally close my eyes at night.

And while they’re working, I’ll probably still be watching the door.

When I say that the news is drowning me, I don’t really mean the articles and stories. I mean what’s going on in the world. Maybe from digesting so much reporting, we’ve come to believe that it’s inevitable. I’m here to tell you, I don’t believe it is. It’s not “news” that’s outside our bubble, it’s here, it’s our world. Me and you are going to take it one step at a time to make one small thing better.

2 thoughts on “The news is drowning me

  1. You described my exact feelings. Thank you. I want to disconnect from “news” but I cannot, they are everywhere and it is hard to stay neutral these days.
    And you are very good writer, Jenya.

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